polucon@polucon.com +254 72222 99 44 | 716 200 222

Comprehensive Microbiological Testing Services for Food Safety

At Polucon, we prioritize food safety by offering comprehensive microbiological testing services. Our state-of-the-art laboratory and highly skilled microbiologists ensure accurate and reliable analysis of food samples to detect harmful pathogens and spoilage organisms. With a commitment to upholding the highest quality standards, we help food manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors deliver safe and wholesome products to consumers.

Polucon's Microbiological Testing Services:

1. Pathogen Detection:

Our advanced microbiological testing identifies and quantifies harmful pathogens such as Salmonella, Listeria, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and other bacteria that may cause foodborne illnesses.

2. Spoilage Organisms Screening:

We analyze food samples to detect spoilage organisms, ensuring products maintain their quality and freshness throughout the shelf life.

3. Indicator Organism Analysis:

Polucon's microbiologists conduct analysis to identify indicator organisms, which serve as indicators of the overall hygiene and sanitation levels in food processing environments.

4. Water and Environment Testing:

We provide water and environmental testing services to assess potential microbiological contamination that may impact food safety and processing.

5. Hygiene Monitoring:

Our hygiene monitoring services assist in assessing the effectiveness of cleaning and sanitation practices to maintain hygienic conditions in food production facilities.

6. Allergen Control Verification:

Microbiological testing is used in conjunction with allergen analysis to verify the efficacy of allergen control measures to prevent cross-contamination.

Why Choose Polucon for Microbiological Testing?

Expert Microbiologists: Our highly skilled microbiologists possess extensive experience in food safety testing, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

State-of-the-Art Laboratory: Polucon's laboratory is equipped with advanced technology for precise and efficient microbiological analysis.

Fast Turnaround: We understand the importance of prompt results and deliver timely reports to support your decision-making processes.

Compliance Assurance: Our microbiological testing adheres to international standards and regulatory requirements, ensuring compliance with food safety regulations.

Commitment to Food Safety: At Polucon, we are dedicated to ensuring the safety of food products and protecting consumers' health.

Maintaining the highest food safety standards is essential for consumer confidence and brand reputation. Partner with Polucon for reliable microbiological testing services and secure the safety of your food products. Contact us today to schedule microbiological testing and ensure the quality and integrity of your food offerings.